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Welcome to a powerful sales referral community for
sales professionals
to help each other sell more.
Call each other to make introductions to decision-makers, give and get referrals, establish partnerships, log what your company might be interested in buying and search for companies' buying interests.

Join hundreds of members.

Members from companies such as these and many more across all industries:

Mastercard, Sterling Solutions, WorkNest, Infinity, Unity, Crono, MultiPass, Houzecheck, 

Global Sourcing Association

Members from companies such as these and many more across all industries:

MESTEC, PBS Group, Nimbus Digital, PowerON, Boundary Gate & Barriers, Plutos Associates, CDM Stravitec, occy



Our Philosophy is simple! 

Members agree to help each other!

We all know it's tough getting past the gatekeeper, but what if you had an insider who can help to introduce you to the decision-maker? That insider is here, ready to contact and happy to help.

What if you could easily search for companies' buying interests that they've listed themselves?Well...

Now you can...

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Our Community

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As our community grows it becomes more helpful and more powerful. We're a community designed by sales professionals, for sales professionals. Your initial point of contact, your introducer in your target companies could be right here in our community.

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Arrange meetings more easily

Save time

with warm intros

Be introduced

by helpful


In our community you can find people who are happy to help, happy to introduce you and be introduced themselves. Discover a helpful network that's willing to help. Discover members' company buying interests and a warmer prospecting approach. 


Members Only


Of members with more & more joining daily


For companies & interests


Industry sectors



Only members see the people part of our sales community.
Private & exclusive. Join for free.


  • is a sales referral community allowing members to help each other with sales introductions and referrals. Our community is designed for helpful members to help each other. Members can help to introduce you to decision-makers in their companies. Also, referrals can be made if you know of a company that may be interested in buying or supplying what people are looking for. Members list what their companies' may be interested in buying so that this information can be searched as a directory. Our sales community enables a warmer prospecting approach via introductions and searching for potential company requirements.

    A sales community for introductions and referrals

  • You fill in the sign-up form, follow the steps and a profile is automatically created for you, that’s it, you’re then a member. Members' contact details are listed, their mobile number and email. This makes contacting each other quick and easy. Our community is designed to enable quick communication via phone.

    A simple sign up process

  • You can join our community for free. Fill in the sign-up form and a member profile is automatically created for you. We're always looking for sponsors & supporters to help our growth. To help cover our operating & marketing costs there is some minimal banner advertising in our community.

    Yes, joining our community is free


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