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Choosing Intent Data - Best Intent Data?

Updated: Mar 9

Intent Data is big business. It's a powerful way of identifying the companies that seem to be looking to buy certain catagories of products and services based on the website search history of people who work at those companies.

In short, intent data is derived from cookies and tracking capabilities on websites and IP tracking which means the origin company of website visitors can be identified based on their company IP address.

A quick example is someone visiting a review type website for a type of business software system, that website then tracks their IP address and attributes the intent of that search to log it against that company in a IP database of company IP addresses, marking that company as potentially looking for that software currently. Intent data works via data sharing between websites, business IP database logging companies and intent data aggregation companies.

This kind of website tracking information is aggregated and sold as intent data.

Intent data can sometimes be sold individually but it tends to be sold as part of a sales or marketing intelligence type software subsciption.

Human-verified intent data is another area of intent data that seeks to verify the authenticity derived from the website tracking data aggregation. In simple terms, people will research, evaluate, and/or call the businesses involved to check what they're showing as currently in the market for and then mark as human-verified accordingly in the intent data sold. The level of human-verification involved can vary so it's important to research throughly and ask lots of questions about this kind of human-verified intent data. As humans are involved it's often going to be more costly too.

User-generated intent data

This is intent data information that is gathered from surveys, forms, events and market research type activities. It may be that questions are asked when signing up to things, form fields are filled in online or trade show, conference or exhibition attendance and session attendance is recorded and shared. The benefit of user-generated intent data is that the person sharing the information about what their company may be looking for may know things before people in that company are actually at the stage of doing lots of google searches and visiting review websites that often track intent. With user-generated intent data you may have an earlier insight into companies that may be looking for what you offer, earlier intent insight presents a significant advantage. aims to create a community of sales professionals who can help each other with sales introductions and referrals. Our aim is also to create a database of user-generated intent data that only members of can use. Exclusive to members and never resold. The contact and intent data information within our community will only ever stay within our community. We also aim to make this community as affordable as possible, whilst balanacing marketing costs to grow the community, to better help existing and new members by having a greater number of community members.

List of intent data providers in no particular order. Some of these share data with each other as part of their subscriptions too:

When thinking about choosing intent data, deciding which is the best intent data, it's important to consider:

Intent Signal Info & Alerts

Navigation, ease of use & speed of use

Technology signals

Extra company insights

Number of users & price

Technical integrations, automations & tech stack

Data source, first-party data, second-party data, third-party data


Tracking intent data signal changes

Ask existing customers and look at review sites

It's an expensive report but if you're making an expensive investment decison in intent data, it might be good to consider The Forrester Wave™: B2B Intent Data 2023 Report

Capterra is also a good website for software reviews. See here intent data provider reviews:

Trustpilot is a popular review website and it's worth considering how different companies are reviewed on there. Sometimes people can go to Trustpilot just to be negative but it's worth having a read. It's always a good idea to google the company name followed by reviews to take a look across all review platforms.

More research will be conducted, and this article will be added to over time, in order to continue to provide helpful information regarding choosing an intent data provider. If you'd like to see our user-generated intent data created via the form when members sign-up, join our community.


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