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Sales Referral Community

Sales Referral Community People Hands Arms Picture

In creating, as well as creating a community to help sales introductions, it’s a community for sales referrals.

Referrals are a really important part of good business development and sales practices. Networking is about how you can help, but it’s equally all about who you know who can help. Make networking about the person you’re networking with, not just about you, help them by introducing them to people you know, and they’ll do the same. Referrals are all about reciprocation. Help me and I’ll help you.

Ultimately, sales is all about explaining your offering well and helping people, helping people to see if your product, service or solution is right for them. No one wants an unhappy customer to deal with and it’s the job of sales to find customers who will be happy using what they’ve been sold. Things can be sold badly and therefore people don’t buy, it’s therefore important to utilise sales techniques to better explain things to potential customers and closing techniques to come to mutually beneficial agreements in good timeframes. We’ve all heard that people buy from people, yes that’s true but what’s also true, is that people buy from people they like and most importantly, people they trust.

In helping other sales professionals by introducing them to a potential client, making a sales referral, the act of you helping them build trusts with all involved and will be remembered and rewarded. Whether that’s a financial reward, a referral from them, spreading a positive message about you and more. Helpfulness spreads and it creates a snowball effect.

sales referral

What can start as one simple referral can lead to established and highly successful business referral partnerships and friendships.

When a referral is made, trust is both created and transferred. You’re building trust with your potential client by trying to help them with something other than just what you sell. You’re helping them to solve a problem with something else they’re looking for. Use your network and your community to help.

By passing on a referral, you also help to build trust for the company you’re referring to. If it’s a new referral, say that it is to the client you’re referring, say that you’re aware of this other company, you’re not yet sure what they’re like yet but stay in touch and let me know how you get on. That creates further trust as you’re asking for the client to let you know how they get on with the other company. They’ll remember that you helped them, the company you referred to will remember and both will remember you positively as trying to help. They’ll remember you positively and when the time is right for them to buy what you have, they are more likely to as you’re the one that was most helpful to them.

Community is all about coming together. Cambridge Dictionary defines community as ‘people living in one particular area or people who are considered as a unit because of their common interests’ and ‘a group of people who have similar interests or who want to achieve something together’. In, we all have the common interest that we’d like to sell more via introductions and referrals, we also all know how hard sales can be at times and know the difference referrals can make. Joining is joining our community and helping each other to achieve sales success. We can all succeed and achieve the lifestyle we desire in sales; it’s made all the more easier if you’ve got a good network of people who can help you get your foot in the door though introductions and referrals.

If you haven’t done so already, all that’s left to do now is sign up and tell your friends. What are you waiting for, join a powerful sales referral community, be introduced and introduce others! Join us and find your route in!


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